Weaving A Web

we’re weaving a web around the world 

we’re weaving a web around the world 

tighter and tighter and tighter and tighter

lighting her brighter and brighter and brighter

until like a bright twinkly light we burst a seed into the night

we consume all that we have, all that we have

peace and love and and even each other

consume our father, sister, brother, mother

we just don’t understand how to hold each other’s hands

our strategy is to fight and fight and fight 

each one thinking that they’re right

trying somehow to take flight 

into the martian sky 

find a promised freedom, before we die

Sofya Yuditskaya

Sofy (@_the_s0urce_) is a site-specific media artist and educator working with sound, video, interactivity, projections, code, paper, and salvaged material. Her work focuses on techno-occult rituals, street performance, and participatory art. Sofy's performances enact and reframe hegemonies, she works with materials that exemplify our deep entanglement with petro-culture and technology’s affect on consciousness. She has worked on projects at Eyebeam, 3LD, the Netherlands Institute voor Media Kunst, Steim, ARS Electronica, Games for Learning Institute, The Guggenheim (NYC), The National Mall and has taught at GAFFTA, MoMA, NYU, Srishti, and the Rubin Museum. She is a PhD Candidate in Audio-Visual Composition at NYU GSAS currently on her Fulbright year at TheISRO in Bangalore


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